
Select items online at IKEA

Visit (Delft, The Netherlands). Simply browse and decide which items you want to buy.

PLEASE NOTE: You do not pay VAT with us. The prices that you see at Ikea are incl. 21% VAT, this is deducted from the final invoice.

If you have any questions about these steps or need help with your order, please email us at or use the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible. Or call us: (+31) (0)70 7370 400.

Make a shopping list

When you see an item you want to order, click on the item to see a picture and a description. You can select the colour, size and/or the number of items. When you are happy, click on the button «Add to shopping list«.

Repeat this until you have all the items you want to order.

Save shopping list as PDF

After you have put all items on the shopping list, click on shopping list (icon at the top right). Here you can check the list. If this is approved, create a PDF of this and save it on your computer. Use the key combination Ctrl-P and save the page as PDF (in some cases you first have to choose a PDF printer such as Adobe PDF).

Your request for quotation

You can then upload this PDF with your quotation request on our website.
PLEASE NOTE: also save your shopping list on the Ikea website. Ikea needs this later.

After we have received your request for quotation, we will prepare a custom-made quotation for you. And after you agree with our offer, we take care of the purchase and transport to the right room.

Servicio de montaje

ikea_monteren¿No tiene tiempo o ganas de montar usted mismo los muebles? ¿O de colocar un suelo? Déjelo en manos de Blue Sea Forwarding. Indíquelo al solicitar el presupuesto.

Tax free

Si tiene una empresa, usted no paga IVA por los muebles que compra. Es decir, compra TAXFREE. Nosotros realizamos el pedido de los muebles en IKEA en Holanda, y usted paga el precio NETO.


¿Tiene preguntas? No dude en contactarnos.